JPIM Publication: A Manager’s Perspective on Virtual Customer Integration for New Product Development
A Manager’s Perspective on Virtual Customer Integration for New Product Development Published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management Authors: Michael Bartl, Johann Füller, Hans Mühlbacher, and Holger Ernst Abstract Despite the high potential of virtual...
A Quick Guide on Augmented Reality and the Journey to Augmented Research
The Terminator, RoboCop, Iron Man, Yu-Gi-Oh and Tom Cruise in Minority Report are using it – Augmented Reality. Enough motivation for us to learn more about this emerging field. We put together a presentation with some answers addressing the following questions: 1....
The “Making-of Co-Creation” Video
Looking back at “10 years of HYVE” we have merged our experiences of the past decade in a comprehensive video on Co-Creation. Co-Creation is a major hype and hot topic – however, a lot of people have difficulties to understand Co-Creation. The video gives an...
Ein Kommentar zur Neuordnung und Identitätsfindung der Markt- und Sozialforschung im Online-Zeitalter
Die Kolumne Neuordnung und Identitätsfindung wurde veröffentlicht in Media Spectrum Nr. 4/5, S. 68-69, Gabler Verlag. Die Marktforschung braucht das Web 2.0, Social Media & Co. und nicht umgekehrt Bereits 2006 wurden alle Web 2.0-User zur „Person des Jahres“ im...
Das User-Wissen nutzen – W&V Interview mit Dr. Michael Bartl
Getting Closer to the Consumer: How Nivea Co-Creates New Products
Authors: Bilgram, V., Bartl M., Biel, S. published in Marketing Review St. Gallen, 1/2011. Co-creation has become a prevalent approach taken by innovation leaders to excel in innovation management and complement internal R&D activities. In this article the authors...
Bartl, M. (2011). Getting Closer to the Consumer: How Nivea Co-Creates New Products. The Making-of Innovation, 04/2011.
The Open School Vision – For More Openness at Universities
This paper introduces the open school concept, which aims to strengthen the openness of the university to its students. In an open school, students do not take a passive role as service consumers; they are active members of their university. Though the open school...
Bartl, M. (2011). The Open School Vision – For More Openness at Universities. The Making-of Innovation, 01/2011.
LAUNCH of the BMW Group Co-Creation Lab
It is crucial to think of co-creation as a strategic programme rather than as a “just in time” outsourcing of innovation tasks. A co-creation programme is characterized by continuous collaborative relationships with users, consisting of various internal and external...
Open Innovation!
Wissen, Kreativität und Ideen als wichtigstes Wirtschaftsgut.Unter dem Schlagwort Open Innovation wird derzeit über einen einschneidenden Umbruch im Innovationsmanagement gesprochen. Der Ansatz steht für die Öffnung der Unternehmensgrenzen und damit für die aktive...
Bartl, M. (2010). Open Innovation!. The Making-of Innovation, 07/2010.
BVM sets Co-Creation Footprint in Germany
Consumer empowerment, open innovation, co-creation and crowdsourcing – these are the hot topics covered by the 45th annual BVM (German Association for Market and Social Research) conference. For me, this event carried out by the market research community demonstrates...